Wednesday, December 16, 2009

DSC02690.JPG, originally uploaded by lloydjason.

Cemetery in Cut Off Louisiana. My Uncle Fish is buried on this row.

Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Monday, December 07, 2009

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

incriminating photo #1

1st piece of incriminating evidence - photo from roughly 1976.  I'm assuming it's '76.  Why else would I be decked out in red, white, and blue?  Note my horrid blue gym shorty shorts and huge buck teeth.  Thank god my parents spent their hard earned money on braces for me.  Also in the picture is my best friend Apollo Fong, who lived on the next block.  The only cool thing about this picture is our bikes.  We had cool bikes...

A.M.F. Monorail

Scan10003.JPG, originally uploaded by lloydjason.

postcard of the A.M.F. Monorail from the 1964 NY World's Fair

The Smithsonian Institution Building

Spent the day after Thanksgiving touring the Smithsonians with Reg and Devan.

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Tuesday, December 01, 2009

The house I grew up in was in Hidden Valley subdivision in Houston Texas. Back in the 70's and early 80's, it was a great place to live. My father was always so proud to win "Yard of the Month". 1022 Twinbrooke Dr. Houston Tx

Mary Blair at the Contemporary Hotel

DSC02538.jpg, originally uploaded by lloydjason.

I've been obsessed with the graphic artwork of Mary Blair. When we were last at Disneyworld one of my requirements was to go see her mural at the Contemporary Hotel.

Christmas tree

Saturday after Thanksgiving, I ended up putting up the aluminum tree.
It ended up taking me most of the day, but it looks great.

Doctor Who

Scan10001.JPG, originally uploaded by lloydjason.

Back in my early youth, I was a huge Doctor Who fan. I would attend local conventions and even help with the local PBS fundraisers. I even talked my mother into knitting me 14 foot scarf, which I still have in their attic. Just recently I starting watching the show again and felt the evil pull of fandom again. Now that I'm 40, I feel I can embrace my inner geek. At least now I won't get beat-up at school.

I really really want...

Danish Wall Unit 2009
Originally uploaded by sandiv999
I really want a danish wall unit like this. I even have the perfect place for this, in the dinning room by our Burke table. Unfortunately I don't have da money for it, and I've certainly never seen something like this at a thrift store.

The Canadian Solaire Chair

Originally uploaded by lloydjason
Solaire chair in Frederick MD. I really want a set of these for outside, but I'm afraid they will fade or get stolen. They wanted $235, and I ended up passing on it. I regret not buying it now.