Friday, February 22, 2013

Gallifrey One 2013

So, just wanted to say that if ever you have the opportunity or desire to attend GallifreyOne in Los Angeles, do it. I am fortunate that this was my second year in a row going, and I am already excited about 2014. I say this not to boast or gloat, but to encourage any fans of Doctor Who to go.

It is such a great feeling being surrounded by so many creative and passionate people who are not only welcoming, but also share your love for the show. If your fandom takes you into cosplay, costuming, fan fiction, podcasting, collecting merchandise, comics, legos or WHATEVER (Barbie Doctor Who fans, who knew?), it’s there.

Most important, I’ve met some incredible people that I truly consider friends. Now that I've had time to recover from it all, I just wanted to say thank you and I hope to see you next year if not sooner.

Friday, February 15, 2013