Tuesday, March 26, 2013

March 26, 2013 at 11:30AM

I'm confused, is it the red or blue profile photo that we should use? AGHHHHHH, feelin the pressure to follow everyone else!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Weekend was spent cleaning up the Brompton after commuting in the rain last week.  The bike was a complete mess despite having got a new chain the week before.  Also made a slight modification to my Carradice saddle bag.  The bike needed some Doctor Who swag on it.  

Also did some baking with my new cookie cutters from WarpZone Prints.  Very happy with how they turned out visually, though the recipe I used isn't the tastiest cookie.  Tried frosting them, but I liked how they turned out without it.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Brompton Commute

So I'm horribly lazy and really out of shape.  With the UK trip looming in August and spring weather slowly arriving in DC, I honestly have no excuse not to bike into work.  Well, I can always come up with excuses...  Seriously, I'm rather fortunately in that my office is right off the Mt. Vernon bike trail.  It's just over 9 miles from my front door to the office and I get to pass all the major monuments along the National Mall.  It's a beautiful ride. 

Monday, March 11, 2013

Beautiful weekend in DC

It was a crazy weekend, but I was able to get a number of things accomplished and had the opportunity to enjoy the beautiful weather.
Saturday morning Reg and I took the Bromptons in for their annual servicing at Bikes Vienna.  Considering we've had them less than a year now, I'm not sure why we did it, but Reg was set on getting his bike in top shape especially after his accident in Philadelphia in the fall.  I ended up needing a new chain, which I'm still trying to figure out why or what I did to cause that.  Like to think it's from all the riding.
After dropping off the bike, we came extremely close to buying a new Jeep Wrangler.  My VW bug is 3 years old, and for some odd reason Reg feels that it's time to trade it in for a new vehicle.  While I would love to get a new car and I certainly love the look and feel of the new jeeps, practical Jason does not understand this whole car fixation.  If it was a bike... completely different story.  As of now, I think we are just waiting to find the right combination of color and features before buying.  Personally I'm still extremely happy with my VW, and looking forward to driving around with the top down come spring.
Car shopping then turned into dashing off to my friend Greg's house to watch the Jon Pertwee's episode of Carnival of Monsters.  Erik also showed up, so it turned into a mini-gay-Gally-reunion.  Need to keep this up.  Hate just seeing everyone at GallifreyOne.  As far as Carnival, I can honestly say I've never seen it before.  It was rather difficult for me to figure out what the hell was going on with all the politics on Inter Minor.  Fortunately we had Jo Grant's boots and rolled up jean shorts to keep us entertained.  It was a long and tedious episode for me, the only highlights were the chemistry between the Doctor and Jo, and my fellow viewers who made it all the more entertaining.
I unfortunately agreed to go see Oz on the first truly beautiful day of 2013.  The movie is horrible.  After the first 20 minutes, I knew it was a mistake.   I should have been outside enjoying the weather.  Instead, I was trapped in a dark movie theater subjected to James Franco.  Carnival of Monsters was more entertaining and the special effects far better, and I realize that's saying a lot considering how bad Carnival has aged. 
I was able to finally get on the bike after a long winter hiatus.  Was able to get in a 14 mile trek, which I'm paying for today,

Friday, March 08, 2013

Gallifrey One 2014


Registration went on sale today for Gallifrey One, the annual pilgrimage to Los Angeles for Doctor Who fans.  After attending the past two years, for a few seconds I actually considered not going.  It had nothing to do with the convention or the incredible friends I've met.  I actually thought for a very brief second that perhaps there was something else I would want to do next year in mid-February.  As the minutes grew closer to when the tickets went on sale, I grew more and more sure that the only place I wanted to be in February 2014 was at LobbyCon with my people.  It's all about Doctor Who and also has absolutely nothing to do with the show.  Not sure if that makes any sense to anyone else, but it was perfectly clear that I was going to get that registration today

Thursday, March 07, 2013

UK Vacation

Very excited.  We are finally booking our trip to England in August.  Looks like I even got Reg to agree on a day trip to Cardiff so I can go to the Doctor Who Experience.  I swear, it was never in my mind that we would be in the UK for the 50th anniversary year of Doctor Who.  The key is to not make it seem like the entire trip is about Doctor Who so that it pisses off Reg.  I will need to try and focus on other "things", though I've already mapped out every shop and site that's Doctor Who related.  Not healthy.

View UK Vacation in a larger map

March 07, 2013 at 07:53AM

Looking forward to the Planet of the Pertwees party on Saturday. Was hoping my tardis and dalek cookie cutters would have arrived beforehand, but the Estsy seller is running slightly behind with her orders.
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WarpZone Prints

Doctor Who Dalek Cookie Cutter