Monday, May 27, 2013

May 27, 2013 at 01:51PM

Trip to Galveston was not as productive as I would have liked. Not sure if mom and dad are any closer to selling the house and moving into the condo. Of course my trip to the ER didn't help.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Monkii Clip and Cage for the Brompton

Monkii Clip and Cage for the Brompton

With the Bike MS ride quickly approaching (less than a month away) I'm starting to have anxiety over the little details which I can control, as apposed to the larger issues like my weight and lack of training.  With the Brompton, I couldn't figure out what I was going to do about my water bottle.  Didn't want to carry a front bag or keep the water in my Carradice saddlebag which would require me to stop and get off my bike whenever I needed a drink.  There have been rumors of the elusive official Brompton magnetic water bottle holder which has yet to surface.  Enter Monkii, which is a screw mounted clip which attaches to a separate velcro strap water bottle holder.  Purchased it from Cycle Miles in the UK, after seeing a number of the member of the London Bicycle Club sporting them on their rides.  Haven't had a chance yet to really test it out, but I like how it doesn't interfere with the fold.  

Thursday, May 09, 2013

May 09, 2013 at 04:20PM

Just got moved to the reject side of the room. Don't think I'm going to be picked. Suddenly having flashbacks of high school gym class.

Sunday, May 05, 2013

Bad Blogger

So what started as a revitalized attempt at blogging every day, has fizzled into me completely forgetting about the site.  Need to rededicate myself yet again...

Anyway on April 24th we got rid of the VW bug convertible in favor of a Jeep Wrangler.  I'm pretty sure this is a plot by Reg to use this as an excuse with buying himself a new car.  I'm not complaining too much.

Next up in major news announcements, I've foolishly signed up for the BikeMS ride on June 8th.  What's crazy is that I'm not volunteering, but agreed to attempt biking for 60 miles in one day for the event.  ON MY BROMPTON.  I have a month in which to magically get into shape and this is causing me great stress to no end.  To put this in perspective, I typically bike just under 20 miles total commuting to work.  There is a 8 hour break in between, which I don't think I will have the luxury of for the BikeMS ride.  There was also a training ride this morning which I failed to go on out of shear laziness.  One of two things will happen.  Either I will flip out and not do it, or I will do it and kill myself in the process.  Either way I'm toast.

OH, and if you would like to donate towards my humiliation, here is my site:

Saturday, May 04, 2013